Yukon Liquor Corporation



How to check ID

At the door:

  • Check ID at the door and identify minors before they come in.
  • Provide an area with adequate lighting where ID can be checked; use a penlight or black light for spot lighting.
  • Hold the ID in your hands, rather than allowing the patron to flash it at you - if it is in a case or wallet, have them take it out for you.
  • Take your time and examine the ID closely. Ask for a second piece of ID or more.

On the I.D.:

  • Check the birth date - are they of age? Check the expiry date- is the ID still valid?
  • Check the photo - is this the person standing in front of you? Especially look at the ears, eyes, mouth and nose since they are the most likely to be the same no matter how the person has changed.
  • Ask for a sample signature to compare to the signature on the photo ID.

Asking questions:

  • Ask their middle name, and how to spell it.
  • Ask for specific information on the card such as the
  • address or postal code.
  • Do their responses sound prompt and sincere? How is the person acting - confident or nervous, avoiding eye contact?

To be valid, ID must:

  • Have been issued by a government.
  • Be current (expired ID is not valid).
  • Include the person's photograph.
  • Include the person's birth date.

Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • Drivers licence with photograph.
  • General government-issued ID card.
  • Passport.
  • Canadian citizenship card.

Yukon ID proofing guide

How to confirm authentic cards:

  • Holograms of Yukon coat of arms (pictured behind small photo) can be seen on the card surface.
  • Printing is crisp and clear.
  • Red printing for the date of birth and ID number.
  • Blue printing for the word 'Yukon' on the card back, bottom right hand corner. Micro text and fine geometric lines like those on money can be seen with a small magnifying glass.
  • Photo appears with fine lines through the image.
  • UV printing can be checked with a black light. Below main photo you will see the driver's licence number or the ID number. The black light will also reveal the UV printed date of birth (DOB) on the right side for licences and on the left side for general identification cards. Ensure the UV printed DOB matches the non -UV printed DOB.

Detecting altered, counterfeit or stolen cards:

  • Wrinkles on the card surface may be seen and felt .
  • Blurry printing, all in black.
  • Washed-out colours.
  • Breaks in holograms over the photo or date of birth.
  • Mismatched birth date and expiry date - month and day should match.
  • Photo doesn't match the person in front of you.

Download the PDF of the "Be Ready To Identify" poster.  750 KB